
amit-vkaps avatar image
amit-vkaps asked amit-vkaps commented

How to create custom tender ?

I am developing a payment solution for clover devices.

I read the custom tender documentation and also success run the demo app mentioned in the documentation but I have no clue what to do next.

I want to a add a custom payment gateway as a tender but I am unable to understand how and where to call the payment gateway API's and where to store the API tokens.

Clover Android SDK
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered amit-vkaps commented

I don't believe that adding a custom payment gateway is permitted. You may want to check our App Market terms. That being said it sounds like you are asking us how to implement the "custom" part of your custom tender app.

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amit-vkaps avatar image amit-vkaps commented ·

I am working for a payment gateway company and they want to have a similar functionality like this with clover and their payment gateway. Can you tell me if this is possible or not ?

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