
jms avatar image
jms asked jaske09 answered

Refunding partially paid orders

Hi, we encountered an issue where we are not able to refund an order that was partially paid for.

Order was paid for using /v1/orders/{orderId}/pay

However, when trying to completely refund the order, we get an error:

POST /v1/orders/{orderId}/returns

{"message":"400 Bad Request","error":{"code":"processing_error","message":"This refund would make the order's total refunded amount greater than the original order's amount."}}

Notice that (as per we do not include the individual lineItems, but expect the above to refund the whole order. However, we are very confused how this request fails with the mentioned reason.

This was not a problem before and the above endpoint was used to successfully refund orders.

Please let us know how we can refund these orders. I assume we can't use the /v1/refunds endpoint due to documentation explicitly mentioning that it cannot refund orders with >1 line items or tips, and the fact that we do not use the /v1/charges endpoint to create these charges.

e-commerce apiRefund
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

I created a ticket for the ecomm team to take a look.

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jaske09 avatar image
jaske09 answered

Unable to apply discount because i have no merchant permission issue. have not write permission on

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