
kirank avatar image
kirank asked kirank commented

Ecommerce API: How to correctly refund tax?

We are creating an order with v3/orders and refunding with v1/orders/{orderId}/returns . All on E-Commerce api/REST api

The order has taxes & service charge applied. The issue is while we can refund items to finally set the order to $0, the "Reporting - Sales Overview" shows negative "Net Sales" (Equal to tax+service charge). My guess is if we are able to correctly refund tax and service charge as their own types (during refund we are artificially increasing amount of the line item). The flow we have is pretty lengthy and I think we are doing this incorrectly. What is the correct way to refund the whole order and refund line items?

Orderse-commerce apiRefund
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered kirank commented

You are passing the item into the returns endpoint, have you tried not passing anything? See:

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kirank avatar image kirank commented ·

As you suggested, when the order is completely paid, full order return with no line Items correctly refunds taxes and charges.

What is missing (atleast in our understanding) is:

1. If the order is partially paid, how to refund the tax?

  • v1/orders/{id}/returns API does not have a way to refund taxes & service charge fee.
  • When taking payment for partial payment, we are able to clearly specify the tax, but not for refund

2. If order is fully paid or partially paid, refunding a single charge using /v1/refunds does not track the tax amount refunded. This leaves the order state with tax still collected.

The only way we see taxes and charges can be refunded & have a balanced sales reports is via fully paid orders with full refunds.

Partially paid orders can't be refunded (to our knowledge). Partially paid orders is common in some online order verticals.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ kirank commented ·
Yes, unfortunately we don't have full support for partial refunds right now. We have an open issue for it and hopefully we can address it early next year.
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kirank avatar image kirank commented ·
Thanks, this clarifies the understanding. For now we'll take away this: Fully paid orders can be refunded. Partially paid orders can't be refunded on REST API.
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