
cloveruser808 avatar image
cloveruser808 asked cloveruser808 commented

Webhook flag for when screen goes into payment mode

On a Clover Register, when the merchant presses "Pay", the screen goes into the payment mode section (where the merchant chooses the type of payment the customer will make).

Is there a way to know that the order is in this state, using just the Rest API?

Similar to this question:

But for Rest API and Webhooks.

REST APIWebhooks
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered cloveruser808 commented

There is no webhook fired until the payment is created which happens after the payment screen. There is no way to get this state via the REST API, you must have a native app on the device per the linked thread.

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cloveruser808 avatar image cloveruser808 commented ·
That's unfortunate. Thank you, though.
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