
Archana Soni avatar image
Archana Soni asked David Marginian edited

Market place payment

We built a marketplace of businesses that allow consumers to buy from those businesses via our iphone app. We'd like to include Clover API for businesses who use Clover to (1) process payments and (2) create new orders to be sent to Clover POS in Realtime. Our app takes a small transaction fee on each purchase, so this integration would require routing our transaction fee (minus Clover's transaction fees) to our bank account and the remainder to the business. Does your API allow for this type of integration and if so, what APIs/endpoints make this possible.

e-commerce api
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

This exact flow is not possible on our platform. You would need an app in our app in our App Market. All billing is through the App Market -

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Archana Soni avatar image Archana Soni commented ·

Hi, You are right. and already asked in App market So can you please review it once so will get more idea on this.

URL like

And if possible then please suggest who can discuss with this things with me in call because its better for us just need 15 minutes call so will explain it in proper manner

Many thanks!

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Archana Soni avatar image Archana Soni commented ·
Hi @David can you please check my above comments and help me this any other way?
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Archana Soni commented ·

I kindly request for you to stop posting in multiple threads with the same question. I have already answered your question, so I am unsure what help you require. Can you be more specific? There is no way to take a % off the transaction and have it immediately directed to your account. The only option is to create an app, get it approved, and released into our App Market. You can then set-up a metered billing pricing tier and log metered events. Your portion (Clover takes 30%) of the money from those metered events will be deposited into your account ~6 weeks later.

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