
msm avatar image
msm asked benn18 answered

Is item's modifiedTime updated when stock is updated ?

I need to retrieve itemStock updates, but I also need the price.

I want to retrieve all updated items during a period of time, and filter by modifiedTime of itemStock, but in order to have that working, I need to know if item's modifiedTime updated when stock is updated ?

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1 Answer

benn18 avatar image
benn18 answered

This scenario is similar to monitoring stock market 5starsstocks .com activity, where price and volume (akin to stock count) are separate but interrelated metrics. In finance, a trader might analyze price movements alongside trading volume to make decisions, requiring synchronization between data streams.

In your case, modifiedTime is like a stock ticker showing the latest price update, while stock-level updates are akin to changes in trading volume data. Just as traders use integrated tools to track both simultaneously, you may need to design a robust system that synchronizes item metadata (modifiedTime) and stock (itemStock) updates for comprehensive insight.

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