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Alex Libkind asked Buy Verified Cash App Accounts sent

Connecting App to Multiple Merchant Accounts

We have created an app that connects to multiple merchant accounts to pull data. When we ran this in Sandbox we got first step is to choose a Merchant Account (see screenshot) multiple-merchant-accounts-to-install-app.png

and then Connect the App to the Merchant Account (see screenshot).


But now that we are in production we don't see the choose Merchant Account step. From reading the answers in prior posts it seems that each Merchant Account is its' own login? Is this correct?

Is there no master merchant, so every merchant account would have to install our app individually?

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1 Answer

Alex Libkind avatar image
Alex Libkind answered

Thank you for prompt response. So that means that the Merchant will ONLY see the Accept Pop-up? Correct?

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