
cody avatar image
cody asked Richelle Herrli answered

Custom Coupon Codes - Clover Station


We currently have the Clover Station. We would like to be able to create our own custom coupons to give out. When a customer comes in to our store to purchase an item, we would like to be able to scan a UPC-A barcode or QR code (not sure which would be the best to use) to have the discount applied to the order.

Any information and/or guidance would be highly appreciated!!

Clover StationDiscountsbarcode scannerCustom Modifiers
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1 Answer

Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered

Clover's APIs don't currently generate QR codes or barcodes. However, there are many libraries that can generate them for you. You will want to put a system in place that will allow you to track which coupon offers which discount. Once you have built out an app that turns the coupon identifier into a QR code, you can scan the QR code on the Clover scanner and have your app read the QR code in order to attach the appropriate discount to the order.

Alternatively, you can browse Clover App Market for apps that may already have this process automated.

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