
denzelgoolsby avatar image
denzelgoolsby asked denzelgoolsby commented

How to view sent invoices through Virtual Terminal via Clover? How to pull invoice report? Where to find an Invoice ID #?

We are sending invoices through the Virtual Terminal which has been great because of the ability for it to report the revenue into our POS and it is much easier for the customer to pay with a card then sending a check. However there are 3 main problems I have seen and haven't been able to find an answer for:

1) After sending an invoice, there isn't a way to view what invoices have been sent, paid, unpaid, etc.

- I've had to click 'Customers' and then search each invoiced customer by name to be able to see if the invoice is open (unpaid) or if it's been paid. This is time consuming because you have to keep a separate list of customers first and last names that you've invoiced and go back and forth.

2) The revenue is reported into our POS, but it doesn't categorize itself under 'invoice' or anything that is specific for reporting purposes. It automatically goes under 'Custom Item'. Without being able to categorize invoices, we can't pull reports on revenue from invoicing.

3) There isn't an invoice ID generated when sending an invoice. Therefore, we can't search for an invoice by ID #, we are forced to use a customer's name to look it up.

If anyone has any solutions to these headaches then I would be very grateful!

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