
kirank avatar image
kirank asked David Marginian commented

ECommerce Partial Refund


I have an ecommerce Charge of say $138.94 and tax_amount was set at $0.14. So when charge was sucessful, Order detail line (merchants/mid/v3/orders/) items show as $138.88. But no line item information about the $0.14 tax.

The eCommerce Order ( ) shows like this:

"amount": 13894,
"items": [
      "quantity": 1,
      "amount": 13880,
      "description": "Item 1"
      "type": "tax",
      "description": "Taxes (included)"

In the above line item for tax is missing the "amount" field. It does not show up anywhere else.

What we are actually trying to do is refund all of $138.94 via ecommerce refund order endpoint. We are getting a Error 500 (it needs to be more informative than 500).

----- debug ecomReturnOrder to post
  items: [
      amount: 13894,
      description: 'Refund amount PR0077000960',
      quantity: 1

My main question is how do I refund the tax of $0.14? The Error 500 has a workaround mentioned in the community elsewhere.

Sandbox Order ID: F4MQZZHAWKGS4

Sandbox Charge: FF6HVFQ31KGTE

e-commerce apiTaxes
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

I am a bit confused, the subject line says "ECommerce partial refund" but you seem to be asking about refunding the full charge amount. If you are trying to return the full charge amount why are you not using the returns endpoint?

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kirank avatar image kirank commented ·

We want to refund the tax portion (for various customer specific various reasons). So either we refund from the main item by lowering the item amount or the tax line item itself. We don't want to do a full return.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ kirank commented ·
You want to refund the tax only? Tax is not a line item.
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kirank avatar image kirank David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Our higher end goal is this: Some excess tax was captured due to incorrect rate applied (at the time charge was created, we provided tax_amount). The item was not taxable but they incorrectly setup the item to capture tax. The merchant wants to now correct it by returning the tax.

Other scenarios are like this:

1. Customer purchased something with tax.

2. They exchanged for an item that is non-taxable for same value. Tax is now still remaining on Clover. We need to refund that tax.

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