I'm working on a gateway right now and I'm having some issues with the e-commerce API. The idea is to create a solution that requires as little permissions as possible, and avoid needing more than the basic service plan for this portion of the gateway.
It clearly states in the e-commerce order creation that it accepts 3 types of items: sku, shipping and tax, but the shipping fee is not being calculated nor displayed in the order total.
It also refuses tax items on order creation ( I have questions about this, should I create another question? For the time being I'm doing tax included, but it's far from ideal to me. )
As an example, here's an order ( all 3 sku items and shipping item are tax included);
SKU Hoodie with Logo x 1 $51.74
SKU Beanie x 1 $20.70
SKU T-Shirt x 3 $62.09
Shipping $5.75
The order call to the e-commerce create order:
{ "items": [ { "type": "sku", "amount": 5174, "description": "Hoodie with Logo x 1", "currency": "cad", "quantity": 1 }, { "type": "sku", "amount": 6209, "description": "T-Shirt x 3", "currency": "cad", "quantity": 1 }, { "type": "sku", "amount": 2070, "description": "Beanie x 1", "currency": "cad", "quantity": 1 }, { "type": "shipping", "amount": 575, "description": "shipping", "currency": "cad", "quantity": 1 } ], "currency": "cad", "email": "REDACTED", "shipping": { "address": { "city": "REDACTED", "country": "CA", "line1": "123 Newsetup road", "line2": "Unit #5", "postal_code": "REDACTED", "state": "QC" }, "name": "Ben M", "phone": "REDACTED" } }
Clover's response:
{ "id": "REDACTED", "object": "order", "amount": 14028, "currency": "cad", "created": 1603730421000, "customer": "REDACTED", "email": "REDACTED", "items": [ { "type": "sku", "quantity": 1, "amount": 5174, "currency": "cad", "description": "Hoodie with Logo x 1" }, { "type": "sku", "quantity": 1, "amount": 6209, "currency": "cad", "description": "T-Shirt x 3" }, { "type": "sku", "quantity": 1, "amount": 2070, "currency": "cad", "description": "Beanie x 1" }, { "type": "shipping", "quantity": 1, "amount": 575, "currency": "cad", "description": "shipping" }, { "type": "tax", "description": "Taxes (included)" } ], "shipping": { "name": "Ben M", "phone": "REDACTED", "address": { "line1": "123 Newsetup road", "line2": "Unit #5", "city": "REDACTED", "state": "QC", "postal_code": "REDACTED", "country": "CA" } }, "status": "created" }
In the merchant's Orders, the total shows as $140.28
But on the receipt...
So the order creates with 14028, but somehow the total only comes to this amount, minus the shipping item. (14028 - 575 = 13453)
To top it off, it shows as a split payment. Can somebody explain how it's a split payment when the amount paid exceeds the total?