So i want to add some custom information on the receipts which is related to each item, what i mean is if i have 5 items, i want to add 5 things (few words or a small image).
I guess i cant mess with the line items presentation, so i need to add this information to the end of the receipt.
Should i add custom text or should i use the smart receipt URL?
I guess what i really want to know is if there is any limit for the text to append. 1. The custom text will force me to create an activity to listen to 'clover.intent.action.MODIFY_ORDER', so Clover can add a button there for the user to click and do information on the receipt.
2. The smart receipt will show a link in a QR so user can check it and will be redirected to a page i want and then i can show whatever i want.
So which one is more suitable? Any thoughts? Is there any limit for the text to append on the receipt, either on option 1 or option 2?
Note: my custom information may be images and text or just text.
Edit: 16/03
I guess there is no way to test the custom text on receipts using the emulator, i have to use either the developer kit or a real device, right?