
Ali Shah avatar image
Ali Shah asked David Marginian commented

Need help in order and payment process

We are building Apps (Android & iOS) using your Clover system. We need your help with the Clover APIs/Process.

Here is what we need

1. Order API/Process - So the user can order food from our app using your clover system.

2. Payment API/Process - So the user can pay for their order from our app using your clover system.

Can you please help us by providing the right APIs and sharing the process of integration?

All the inventory is created on clover using API. Now stuck in order and payment process

Thank you.
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

1) Orders API -

2) I assume you are talking about EComm/card-not-present payments, not payments that will be taken on the Clover device? If so, (please read all subsections).

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Ali Shah avatar image Ali Shah commented ·
Hi, I am trying to tokenize the card but on the first step when trying to Generate a PAKMS Key I am getting an unauthorized access error. Can you help me with this?
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Ali Shah commented ·

Your app will need the "Online Payments" permission -

Information on resolving 401s in general can be found here -

If you continue to have problems after reading this documenation you will need to provide us with details on exactly how you are obtaining an access token and give us your app id.

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Ali Shah avatar image Ali Shah David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Yes my app has "Online Payments" permission enable

access token is generated from clover dashboard

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