
jvictor avatar image
jvictor asked Miguel Deactivated commented

External payment tender orders


 We are successfully create an order via Spreedly using this endpoint to make the payment; /v3/merchants/{mId}/orders/{orderId}/payments. We are using the tender id of "External Payment" (seems to be the only tender id that works via the API for now). The issues are 1) on the Orders tab of the Clover dashboard (online) the orders are NOT showing up but the payments for the order are showing up in the Payments tab and 2) clicking on the order id on the Payments tab brings up the order but clicking on the receipt displays the error below.

// id="">

{ "message": "We couldn't find that receipt. The payment id was '<payment id="">" }

Any help on this would be appreciated. Regards.

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Miguel avatar image Miguel commented ·

When you create the order, make sure that "state" is set to "open" that will make it show up in the Orders app.

Could you also reformat your question? It's a pit hard to parse the exact question.

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