
ben-m avatar image
ben-m asked ben-m commented

Merchant fraud prevention API

I would like to use the values set up in the merchant fraud prevention tool so our framework can use them for validation and prevent requests that would otherwise be declined by clover. Is this possible?

Also, we were in the wait for test cards that would trigger specific fraud detection scenarios to handle them gracefully and never heard back from our e-commerce contact for this. Where can I find the error codes for those related scenarios? They don't seem to be documented.

Posting this in the App Market Developer Platform even though we use REST / Ecommerce API since it doesn't only apply to Ecommerce. Feel free to move the thread where it will help other users the most.

REST APIe-commerce apiMerchant
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered ben-m commented

I don't think these settings are exposed, but, I don't really understand the use case. You can't for example validate the CVV because you don't have the CVV and you wouldn't be able to validate it if you did.

I am not certain these scenarios can be tested on sandbox, we have some documentation here that you may have not seen -

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ben-m avatar image ben-m commented ·

You rock! This certainly is new documentation. Is there any way to subscribe to documentation changes? It would have been really helpful for us to have this information 2 months ago when it came out.

As for validating on our end; Postal Code can be checked against the e-commerce's billing information before charging the card. It's an option the merchant can turn off in the fraud prevention tool. Having that information would be useful.

How does address validation work for orders that don't require shipping like digital goods or subscriptions?

If I understand the documentation correctly; The credit card is charged, the order has time to go through and THEN it gets validated? It's the only reason I can think of behind having to refund for a "cvc_check" failure. I think I'm missing something here.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered ben-m commented

Currently, there is no way to subscribe to documentation changes.

Validation should have nothing to do with shipping, it is the customer's billing address information that is validated.

This documentation was written before fraud tools were released, and, at time we would not automatically void the payment. This would happen now, only if the merchant disabled the default fraud checks. I will check with the doc team to see if this should be updated.

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ben-m avatar image ben-m commented ·

That is good news for voiding. But then again, if we have no way of checking if the merchant disabled the default fraud check, we can face the same hurdle and waste resources on both our and Clover's end.

As for validation; customer only has shipping information in the documentation, same with ecommerce orders. I can't seem to find how to pass billing information in the documentation. Where is the billing information that is being checked against the credit card taken from? Could you help me once more?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ben-m commented ·

"That is good news for voiding. But then again, if we have no way of checking if the merchant disabled the default fraud check, we can face the same hurdle and waste resources on both our and Clover's end."

If you get a successful payment response with a failed address check, then the merchant has the fraud check disabled. What you do in this situation is up to you (override the merchants decision and void anyway or let the merchants decision stand and accept the payment). If your concern is that you have to make a call to determine that, that is not a major concern.

"Where is the billing information that is being checked against the credit card taken from? Could you help me once more?"

When the card is tokenized.

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ben-m avatar image ben-m David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you for the clarification for failed checks.

I understand that a service is used to get the credit card information such as the postal code and address so it can pass or fail those checks. what I'm wondering is, if I create an ecommerce order with 1 custom item, it requires an email but nothing else. So at the moment of tokenization, the only information clover has, is the order of a custom item with a price, a postal code ( required field for credit card processing ) and the credit card number and CVV.

I want to make sure I get this right, should I not send any address, it'll come back as "unavailable". Right? But if I do want to send an address, and it is not the Order Shipping, nor the Customer Shipping info it compares, where and in what format does it need it? Looking at the tokenization documentation It does not mention an address anywhere.

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