
Nimila Hiranya avatar image
Nimila Hiranya asked Nimila Hiranya commented

Clover Ecomm Payment with Tip shows as Partially Paid

We are using the Clover API to create an Order and the making the Payment for it using the EComm APIs.

Order Amount: 7.35

Tip Amount: 2.65

Total: 10.00

Order ID: KR9H0G5R9XKB6 | Reciept:

Payment Request:


And yet the order status is returned as "created" and it's being showed as "Partially Paid". Why is this? What are we doing wrong?

e-commerce api
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered Nimila Hiranya commented

Are you setting the order total? If so, the total should not include tip.

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Nimila Hiranya avatar image Nimila Hiranya commented ·

As you can see in the request object, total and tip are separate. "amount":735 and "tip_amount":265. And full amount charged should be 10.00

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Nimila Hiranya commented ·

The issue is that when you are creating the order you are making an update order request and setting the total to 1000 (back on May 25th). The total on the order should NOT include tip.

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Nimila Hiranya avatar image Nimila Hiranya David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Hi David, yes this was the issue. Thanks for the update. Cheers.
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