
ycb avatar image
ycb asked ycb commented

Issue when querying items with name

I use InventoryContact to load items like this:

  1. Uri uri = InventoryContract.Item.contentUriWithAccount(CloverAccount.getAccount(getActivity()));
  2. String where = "name LIKE '%coca%'"
  3. CursorLoader loader = new CursorLoader(getActivity(), uri,
  4. null, where, null, null);

it was working fine, but recently it crashes

  1. Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: ambiguous column name: name (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT price_without_vat, item_menu_item.description AS menu_description, alternate_name, default_tax_rates, code, cost, taxable, item_group_uuid, hidden, count, uuid, unit_name, modified_time, item_menu_item.enabled AS menu_enabled, price, AS menu_name, item_menu_item.reason_code AS menu_reason_code, AS name, price_type, item._id AS _id, sku, is_revenue, item_menu_item.image_filename AS menu_image_filename, color_code FROM item LEFT OUTER JOIN item_menu_item ON item.uuid=item_menu_item.item_uuid WHERE ((name LIKE '%coca%'))

do you have any fix for this?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered ycb commented

Can you try updating your where to " LIKE '%coca%'" for now and I will look into this in more detail.

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ycb avatar image
ycb answered ycb commented

yes, this works,
but it is not a good thing. to put static table name 'item'.

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