
jburton avatar image
jburton asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Alternate name field not available for Inventory Items

I'm integrating Clover stations to our backend ERP system, importing orders which I access with the Clover REST API. I've used the alternateName field on the Item to map to the associated item on the backed. My problem comes with some of our Merchants (we have several), when I want to add the alternate name using the web UI, the field is not there. What is causing this and how do I get that field available?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

My first thought is that this doesn't seem to be the best idea. Instead of hacking a Clover field to be something it isn't, why wouldn't your system have an external id? Anyway, I am guessing this may have to do with an inventory redesign we have been working on. Merchants can disable this (for now) by going to Inventory - Setup in their dashboard me

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jburton avatar image
jburton answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Yes my backend has external id's, but that doesn't serve me if I can't setup Clover to pass those defined id's along. With each merchant having unique item's, I'm trying to turn those many down to a few on my backend. So if I have 100 Clover merchants with essentially the same 3 items, I'd like to assign each Clover item a value to expose in the API as Orders/LineItems representing one of those 3 items. Alternate Name works, but looks to be not consistently available on items. I also thought the SKU field, but it isn't exposed through the API that I can see.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Can you provide a concrete example of what you are trying to accomplish and why? I don't completely understand your explanation. How do your merchants use the alternate name field, how do you use it? You are requiring each merchant to enter something in the alternate name field for all their items or only certain items?

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jburton avatar image jburton David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I have a number of merchants with basically the same 3 items, though they can have different names. One store might call it a "standard package", another "$30 standard package", and another calls it "special package". I want all those items to sell on my backend system as an item called "special package" with an external id of 3337.

I set the alternateName on the various merchants "special package" items to 3337. When these items come through the "get a single order" API request with expanded lineItems, the alternateName field is available and I know which item to add to my invoice on the backend.

And big thanks for the fast response!

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ jburton commented ·

Couldn't you just maintain a mapping, merchant id, clover inventory id, your item id?

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