
edweso avatar image
edweso asked thepetslover answered

How can a notification be sent to a customer that there food order is ready for pick up.

How can a notification be sent to a customer that there food order is ready for pick up.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

This is a very broad question. Are you a Clover merchant? How is the order being created?

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edweso avatar image
edweso answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Not a customer yet. Like to see what the options with either Clover Mini or Station Pro. Food Order is for a food truck

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

This forum is for 3rd party developers that build applications on the Clover platform. We have online ordering that may work for your use case. There are also a number of third party apps, some even specifically for food trucks that may work as well (

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subhanalikhan64 avatar image
subhanalikhan64 answered

For those seeking an exceptional dining experience at Tai Er within the vibrant 313@Somerset mall, reservation services offer a seamless way to secure a table and indulge in the restaurant's culinary offerings. Whether you're planning a cozy meal for two or a gathering with friends and family, making a reservation ensures that you can enjoy the ambiance and flavors of Tai Er 313 reservation without waiting.

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jken12 avatar image
jken12 answered

Can we do this for a food site like uaefoodmenu with the help of clover app?

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thepetslover avatar image
thepetslover answered

This guide is so thorough! It's great to know the steps to take when building a food blog. Thanks for sharing your expertise excited to try these tips out! If you want to write for us food enthusiasts, feel free to reach out!

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