
cvos avatar image
cvos asked wpgateways published

Send custom order form data from gravity forms

I have a custom order form made in wordpress gravity forms. Is there a pre made api I can use that will integrate with gravity forms to send data to clover?

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paragondigital avatar image
paragondigital answered paragondigital published

@cvos Did you ever find a solution for this? We have a client that wants the same type of functionality.


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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered

Using Clover's API directly is easy enough,

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lavernehamill avatar image
lavernehamill answered lavernehamill edited

You can use a custom code, such as PHP or JavaScript, which allows you to create your own API that can communicate with Gravity Forms and Clover. You can use the Gravity Forms API, which allows you to access and manipulate the data from Gravity Forms, and the Clover API, which allows you to access and manipulate the data from Clover. You can also use the Gravity Forms Webhooks Add-On, which allows you to send data from Gravity Forms to any external URL, such as the Clover API endpoint. uno online

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wpgateways avatar image
wpgateways answered wpgateways published

There is a Clover add-on for Gravity Forms available.

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