
thedangler avatar image
thedangler asked anp answered

is creating an app required for Ecommerce API only use?

Do i need to make a Clover app just to use the eCommerce API?

If so someone should just make a wrapper app that any dev can use.

e-commerce apiOAuth
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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered thedangler commented

Would you mind clarifying your use case for your use of Ecommerce API and why you would like to avoid the creation of a Clover app?

We offer three different ways of using Ecommerce API:

  • API-only
  • iFrame, which reduces PCI scope
  • Virtual Terminal, the out-of-the-box usage of Ecommerce API for merchants

We require you create an app for two reasons: security and safer transactions.

Security: receiving merchant tokens through OAuth allows for a safer transfer of credentials than merchant-generated tokens.

Safer transactions: By running through the approval process for an app, we can help spot common pitfalls you may not notice in testing, but your app may nonetheless encounter in production. We've seen issues such as partial payments, declined cards, and mismatched totals that many developers have not accounted for in their initial app creation. One of our most common problems is developer neglecting to change their base URL from sandbox to production when they're ready to deploy their web integrations.

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thedangler avatar image thedangler commented ·

Thank you for the detailed response. I would be using the iFrame to reduce the PCI scope.

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webforte avatar image
webforte answered David Marginian Deactivated commented


i am new in clover i have no developer account i am using iframe in woocommece site for payment
when i am using token app. its gave cross-origin error and do i need to create app also

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
It sounds like you may be using a merchant token, merchant tokens do not support CORs.
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dankinchen avatar image
dankinchen answered

Why do I need to make an app that can be discovered by anyone? So someone else installs my app and causes these persistent issues.

  1. The webhook fires repeatedly telling me someone install and then uninstalled my app
  2. People keep generating OAUTH keys through my CallBack.
  3. I cannot automatically connect my own person private to auto connect to my app because of issue 2. So my only recourse is to display the apiKey in the browser AND then manually saved the key in my environmental variables. (yes I know the keys are good forever, my I rather 1 key forever then be at the mercy of some regenerating keys over and over.)

I had originally created an app in my test environment but then discovered the private key feature in my control panel under Accounts & Setup -> Ecommerce API Tokens. I used this in my test app to create API Keys. So I thought I did not need this APP anymore and removed it. Now I am going live (using the ecommerce API token) to find out it that is not authorized to generate an API Key and now I am here to find out I need this APP solution again! ERR

Not to mention there is a post in the forum where some one has been waiting 2 weeks to get their app approved.......

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

Can you explain your use case? Single merchant? Multiple merchant? I am a bit confused by your post. Most developers want more merchants installing and using their apps.

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dankinchen avatar image
dankinchen answered

Single Merchant, I am the developer of my own company. I am the merchant and I cannot get my Live in Production project to authorize.

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anp avatar image
anp answered

My end users are not Merchants. They are customers who come to my e-commerce site to purchase products. When they checkout out, why should they create a separate Clover account and install an Clover app? This checkout flow is not normal.

My use-case is a typical e-commerce site. In a gist, when the customer check-out, I collect their payment info, authenticate to the payment processor, call the payment processor API, redirect the customer to the confirmation page. Customers should not need to create a Clover account and install a Clover app to checkout.

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