I am having a hard time figuring out how Clover calculated taxes. I have looked at https://docs.clover.com/docs/calculating-order-totals and still cannot get to the total that Clover has come up with.
We have a the following order:
Pizza 1 x $18.10 = $18.10
Bread 1 x $2.45 = $2.45
Delivery Charge 1 x $5.00 (added as a non-taxable line item on the order).
Order subtotal = $25.55
Discount -$2.06 (calculated as 10% on subtotal excluding delivery charge).
Tax Total (Ours) $1.53
Tax Total (Clover) $1.56
I cannot explain this 3c difference. If we remove the delivery surcharge then the tax amount matches. But as I mentioned above, delivery surcharge is added as a non-taxable custom item so its inclusion or exclusion should not effect tax calculations.
Can you please help.