
pankajsingh avatar image
pankajsingh asked Mark Mullan Deactivated commented

Redeem Gift card (Making payment using gift card)

We are developing a Clover application in which we want to use some third party gift card as payment option apart from Clover payment option. So the user can make payment for any item using regular Clover option or by redeeming the gift card. So here we are having one question

Suppose a customer makes a purchase of $105 and decided to pay $100 from loyalty/gift card, then the remaining $5 amount will be paid from another payment mode (cash, credit card etc.). In this scenario how the merchant will get to know about the complete payment as $, .100 amount will not be reflected the merchant’s clover account. For this purpose do we have to integrate some Clover API which will reflect the $100 payment from gift card in merchant’s clover account or it is already getting managed by clover system?

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