
drrevjeannettekasemir avatar image
drrevjeannettekasemir asked David Marginian answered

Stripe with clover

I have Wix website, calendly,, and stripe as my stack.

We have been using an IPad with stripe and gopayment to process in store purchases.

We wish to integrate offline and online retail, service, and member services with a clover full terminal with barcode, scanner and contact less hardware.

How can we do this.

I need to pos systems with screen, register, scanner, swipe terminal, and contact less, and stripe isn't there yet.

I want to use clover for my 3 locations, but would like to use the stripe system from my website and online school and store.


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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered


This forum is monitored by Clover engineers that help 3rd party developers that build applications on the Clover platform. Answering these type of questions is not our expertise.

It isn't quite clear what integration is necessary between your website/online store and your onsite POS so it is very difficult to attempt to answer this question. Would your website/store need to pull inventory, etc. from Clover? Do the orders/payments made from your website need to be available from Clover?

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