
javed avatar image
javed asked zeeshan636 answered

Clover Go Network Issue While Payment


I would like to inform that we are getting below massage after swiping card for payment using Clover Go.

Message - "Network Issue. please try again later.(Unable to login to HMS - null response from login command1)".


Clover Go
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered javed commented

Is this in sandbox? The last time you reported an issue I asked you if it was transient, you said no. I contacted the GO team and then you said the issue was resolved. I don't want to do the same thing this time, so please let us know if this persists for several hours.

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javed avatar image javed commented ·

Ok David.

Last issue we did not face till now but since today morning we are getting this Network issue.

Message - "Network Issue. please try again later.(Unable to login to HMS - null response from login command1)".

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ javed commented ·

If you are still seeing this in 4 hours, let me know. In the meantime, confirm this is sandbox and provide details on what you are doing when you see this error, where it is coming from, etc.

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javed avatar image javed David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

David this is sandbox environment.

I'm making a payment with clover go with swipe card method and getting SaleResponse error.

Please find attached the screen shot below.



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1611757626675.png (33.8 KiB)
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zeeshan636 avatar image
zeeshan636 answered

Not all candies are created equal when it comes to freeze drying. Hard candies, gummy candies, and chewy candies are some of the best options for this process.

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zeeshan636 avatar image
zeeshan636 answered

When choosing candy to freeze dry, consider the type of candy and how it will react to the freeze-drying process.

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