
rajkmtani avatar image
rajkmtani asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

{"message":"Site URL not configured for developer app V14XXXXXXXXX"}


while we are setting up app for production for Merchant.. we are getting below message and did not able to get access token.. even same thing working on sandbox.

{"message":"Site URL not configured for developer app V1XXXXXXXX"}



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1 Answer

rajkmtani avatar image
rajkmtani answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Thanks for the reply,

we tried as per the given suggestion

1. "you have your Default OAuth Response set to token, this should ONLY be used for testing not in production " --- we use code instead of token but still same issue.

2. "it does seem your app has a site url configured." -- we did not understand this line that what we need to check/verify here. Can you please provide more explanation.

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