
jishnu avatar image
jishnu asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

Third party payment processing

Hello, we are integrating with clover using REST API from our backend server. We are able to send the order data using REST API. Is there any way to process the payment by a third party payment processor, and update the order as paid by any API call?

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dazza5000 avatar image
dazza5000 answered jishnu edited

There are probably a few ways to do this, but you could add your payment processor as a custom tender. When your payment process is complete you can create a payment entry on the order for that custom tender and the relevant details.

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jishnu avatar image jishnu commented ·

Thank you. Is there any other way to do this?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

The approach recommended by Dazza50 is the only way. However, it is important to understand that using a third party payment processor is largely forbidden on our platform. Before moving forward with your app you should contact to see if your idea would even be allowed.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
Is there any way to process the payment by a third party payment processor

Clover generally does not allow third-party payment processors. There are some cases where we allow alternate payment methods, such as gift cards to be implemented through custom tenders. The fact however that you called it a "payment processor" raises some red (well, yellow) flags.

Please start communication w/ and get your plan approved before beginning development.

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