
kcinfuse avatar image
kcinfuse asked ismdcf commented

Error: Could not capture preauth. Order has 7 line items!

Whenever I am capturing a pre-auth, I get an error message "999, Could not capture preauth. Order has X line items!" where X corresponds with the number of line items in the order.

I've even seen this error with 0 line items.

Can someone give me more detail on what this error message means and how I can rectify it?

Clover Android SDKPaymentConnector
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered ismdcf commented

It would be helpful if you could explain how you are integrating with us. You are leaving things quite wide open with this question.

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kcinfuse avatar image kcinfuse commented ·

I'm just trying to pre-auth by using the Clover SDK then capture the pre-auth.

It does seem like we can only capture pre-authorizations if there is only one line item. Is there a reason for that? I can only get it to work with an order with one line item.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ kcinfuse commented ·

You are using a Remote Pay SDK? Payment Connector?

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kcinfuse avatar image kcinfuse David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I am using the ACTION_SECURE_PAY intent to start secure pay:

Then I use payment connector to capture it. I tried using solely payment connector but for some reason paymentConnector.preAuth() wasn't triggering the secure payment screen on my Mini Gen 1 or Station 2018.

I also tried using the TRANSACTION_TYPE_CAPTURE_PREAUTH transaction type instead of using paymentConnector.capturePreAuth(), but I couldn't find any examples of how to do it purely via intents

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