
rmntkachyk avatar image
rmntkachyk asked rmntkachyk commented

Can't connect to Network Pay Display in Android emulator


Does anyone know how to connect to a Secure Network Pay Display that is running on Android emulator?

It looks like my Windows machine doesn't see Android's app IP address. I followed all the steps from and configured Clover Mini2 and Flex2 devices. The CloverConnector application can't establish a connection to the emulator that is running on the same machine.

Thank you, any help would be appreciated.



Emulatorsecure network pay display
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered rmntkachyk commented

You need to have a devkit to test Secure Network Pay Display.

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rmntkachyk avatar image rmntkachyk commented ·

Yep. However is it possible to test SNPD with the Android emulator?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ rmntkachyk commented ·

That is the question I just answered, you need to have a devkit. Considering that SNPD is primarily used to take payments on the device and the secure payments app is not supported on an emulator you won't be able to test much even if this did work.

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rmntkachyk avatar image rmntkachyk David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you!

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