
techpay avatar image
techpay asked techpay answered

Why does our app work perfectly on our dev kits, and crashes on production with app approval team

We have been building an app for the last several months and it's been working fine on our device kits both clover mobile and mini, but when we submit the app for production approval they told us the app crashes while clicking on a button. the button simply does the following asynchronously

1- Save an order using orderconnector sdk object. 2- call a payment activity using Intents.ACTIONSECUREPAY 3- retrieve order details using rest api with URLConnection object.

Could you help us figure out why it does crash with the app approval guys when it works on our sandbox dev kits and how could we debug such situation when they don't seem to be able to send us log file, which make the process really matter of guessing and trial and error, not to mention that its their problem when an app works on dev kit and fails to behave the same on production units, the whole purpose of buying dev kits is to avoid such situations.

Someone's quick response is greatly appreciated

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

The first step is to see the error. Like @Wingnut suggests, there are a few free crash reporting services to which you can integrate. If you tell me the merchant and the approximate time of crash, I can check in our systems, but please, this is not a substitute for a crash reporting service integration.

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1 Answer

techpay avatar image
techpay answered

Hi Jeff,

I followed Wingnut suggestion and installed Crashlytics and it worked perfectly, I am working with the app approval team based on given crash reports. So far it seems that the app is not able to write to inventory items even though it does on dev kit and it has all permission set properly. Once i get this done i will post the new question or result here or on new question thread.

Thanks for your quick response

Thanks Wingnut

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