
richa avatar image
richa asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

access token generated using Oauth


I am facing an issue with access token generated OAuth flow.I am unable to fetch details of an inventory item using access token generated with OAuth flow.But I am able to fetch those details using access token which is set up in my clover account .Can you please say me why this is happening just with this api? Other apis are working properly.

OAuthaccess token
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Either your app does not have the inventory read permission or you set the inventory read permission after the app was installed. You need to assign the correct permission to your app, and uninstall/re-install your app and obtain a new token. If your app already has the permission you just need to uninstall/re-install your app and obtain a new token. Please see - for more details.

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