
kiml avatar image
kiml asked kiml commented

Post Sale CardTransaction Last4 and CardType are empty

We have been using CardTransaction from the Payment object to get Last4 and CardType. This has been working fine until yesterday. A Merchant contacted us to say that a certain card wasn't returning this information. Sure enough, the information was missing. The Merchant said it was a Link card, which I believe is EBT. Other Merchants pass this information with EBT just fine.

We have already passed the Review process for Order Permissions (Read and Write). Is there some reason why "Link" cards do not pass this? We need this information for reporting and transaction validation on our back end.

We may have to add a Prompt to catch this information after the Sale, an inconvenience to the Merchant.

Please advise.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

How are the payments being taken? We would need some payment ids to investigate in more detail. Please provide them in a private/moderators only post.

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