Can we setup the current thermal printer to receive drink orders? Can it act as a dual printer, print receipts and receive orders? Thanks
Can we setup the current thermal printer to receive drink orders? Can it act as a dual printer, print receipts and receive orders? Thanks
You can add labels to items, then associate those labels to a printer such that when those items are printed, they will automatically go to the associated printer. You can setup labels in the Inventory app. You can associate labels with printers in the Printers app (select the printer first).
Yes, it can serve a dual purpose. Having it setup as the "drink order" printer doesn't prevent it from being used for other purposes.
All thermal printers can be used as kitchen printers as well. We do sell the SP700 impact printer for use in kitchens where temperature would otherwise prevent thermal printers from working. The SP700 can only be used as a kitchen printer; it can't be used as a receipt printer.
Hi Jeffrey:
Unless I am missing something from your instructions you cannot send an order from the waitress station to the bar tender station thermal printer. You can setup the labels as you instructed and print the order at the waitress station thermal printer but this defeats the purpose as you want it sent to the bar so the drinks are ready when the server gets there. Am I still missing something? Thanks Jeffrey.
Right, you can only print to printers you have configured on the device from where you are printing. The only networked printer we support is the Star SP700 impact.
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