I am trying to integrate Spreedly's token with the ecommerce api but cannot find any documentation for that. I have found documentation for the developer pay api and Spreedly but no the ecommerce api. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to integrate Spreedly's token with the ecommerce api but cannot find any documentation for that. I have found documentation for the developer pay api and Spreedly but no the ecommerce api. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Why do you need to use Spreedly? What are you trying to accomplish?
We use spreedly to securely store credit card information and send it to multiple POS systems. So once a consumer adds their card to our app (using Spreedly) we can use that card token with multiple POS endpoints.
I assume the Developer Pay documentation you are referring to is - https://www.spreedly.com/blog/building-a-clover-application-with-spreedly. If so, this seems to be a question for Spreedly.
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