
paulryan avatar image

Allowing till operator to enter cashback value in Meridian/Clover Interface


As it stands the only values the till operator can enter are those associated with buttons generated using information from the Clover Device which are created during the onDeviceActivityStart() event.
I am not aware of any values being returned allowing buttons for Cashback amounts to be created.


While implementing the display and processing of buttons generated which requires use of the routine CloverConn.InvokeInputOption() which takes a parameter of the type com.clover.remotepay.transport.InputOption which in turn has values of Description and Keypress I did note that KeyPress can have in addition to the BUTTON_1, BUTTON_2 values required for processing of displayed buttons also allows values such as DIGIT_0, DIGIT_1 … DIGIT_9, ENTER, BACKSPACE, ESC, TAB and STAR.
It would seem like these are designed to allow the application send characters to the Clover device if this is the case and it is possible to use them the cashback amount could be sent from the POS terminal as a set of keypresses.

I briefly experimented using these however with little success, as an example, to send the number “1” to the device I was trying the code below

Dim IO As New com.clover.remotepay.transport.InputOption
IO.description = "1"
IO.keyPress = com.clover.remotepay.transport.KeyPress.DIGIT_1

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

This has already been discussed and answered - here and here The secure payments application does NOT and likely will never allow for the invocation of input options on the cash back screen for the reasons mentioned in that post. You aren't going to get a different answer, what you are trying to do is not possible.

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