
Sergey avatar image
Sergey asked sammerransomm sent

How to get printer UUID with Rest API endpoint returns printer id. But when I try to use getPrinter method of PrinterConnector on app by this id the method returns null. I noticed that it requires uuid of the printer. Is there any method to get uuid of the printer with rest api ? or is it possible to find the printer on app using id I have from the API ?

REST APIClover Android SDK
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

I haven't had time to give you a definite answer, but have you tried using the getPrinters API on PrinterConnector and looping through the printers to find your match? That is a bit goofy, but it should work.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

The definitive list of printers, as they they can be referenced as a print target or using PrinterConnector on the device, is local to the device. The concept of configured printers on the device isn't something that's exposed via the cloud.

Did you find that endpoint documented somewhere? I didn't see it in the API reference. Did I miss it here?

If you could describe what you are doing we might be able to offer some advice.

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lina13270 avatar image
lina13270 answered

To retrieve the printer UUID with the REST API, you need to use the correct API endpoint that provides the printer's UUID directly. The Clover API's /merchants/{merchant_id}/printers/ endpoint returns the printer's ID but not the UUID. However, the getPrinter method in the PrinterConnector requires the UUID to function correctly.

To resolve this, you can first call the GET /merchants/{merchant_id}/printers/{printer_id} endpoint. This should return more detailed information about the printer, including the UUID. If the API does not provide the UUID, you might need to query the printer's settings or documentation for the specific setup that includes this information.

Regarding finding the printer using the ID in the app, it’s typically not possible without the UUID, as the app uses the UUID to uniquely identify the printer. Make sure you're using the correct method and endpoints for your specific API version and consult the official documentation for further troubleshooting.

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