
lucdowell avatar image
lucdowell asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

Add custom receipt button on receipt page

I was wondering if it was possible to add a custom button on the receipt page in the register. I know it's possible to add a custom tender button in the pay page of the register, but I haven't found anything for receipts.

In summary, I am trying to add a button under "Email receipt" and "Text message receipt".



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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

No that's not possible.

The customer is given the option to email and text receipt on the customer-facing screen. When / how that appears varies by device. For example, on our dual-screen / tethered solutions the options are presented on the customer-facing screen. The merchant can trigger it as well, but the customer needs to enter their email / phone on the customer-facing display.

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