
Sergey avatar image
Sergey asked David Marginian edited

"Token is invalid" error

Hello, Im using e-commerce api with iframe tokenization to save credit card on customer file : endpoint with email, name, and token received from the iframe as source. The source is saved as expected on customer record :

"cards": {

"elements": [


"id": "XYZ",

"first6": "601136",

"last4": "6668",

"cardType": "DISCOVER",

"token": "clv_XXX",

"tokenType": "CTOKEN",

"modifiedTime": 1590606477000,

"customer": {

"id": "ZYX"





When I try to pay for order that I created previously by calling{MERCHANTID}/pay endpoint sending


"orderId": "XYZ",

"currency": "USD",

"amount": 890,

"tipAmount": 116,

"taxAmount": 70,

"last4": "6668",

"first6": "601136",

"zip": null,

"expMonth": 0,

"expYear": 0,

"cvv": null,

"cardEncrypted": null,

"vaultedCard": {

"token": "clv_XXX",

"first6": "545454",

"last4": "5454",

"expirationDate": null



I get "Token is invalid" error.

The same call for paying order will work if the card is added on POS device or if the token created by DevPay endpoint

Can token saved by e-commerce api be used by orders api ? (i can not use e-commerce api for payment for the order because currently it doesnt support passing tip amount for the charge)


Orderse-commerce api
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

Our docs are out of date. Tipping is supported. Please set tip_amount on CreateChargeRequest.

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Sergey avatar image Sergey commented ·

Thank you. Can I also set tax_amount?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Sergey commented ·

Yes, I believe so.

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Sergey avatar image Sergey commented ·

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately e-commerce pay for order api ignores the payment amount and charge the source for full order amount ( in my case the order should be paid partially with credit card and partially with gift card):

Is it wrong to submit payment with vaulted card for order when the vaulted card token created from e-commerce api ?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Sergey commented ·

Are you trying to pay for only certain line items, or is it an arbitrary amount?

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Sergey avatar image Sergey David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

An arbitrary amount. Customer have digital wallet with loyalty money and I want to split the payment - use the digital wallet money and the rest to pay with credit card

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