
martins avatar image
martins asked martins commented

orderConnector not working Clover Station

Hi, I am developing a app where it creates an order by getting the Items from the inventory, and it is working fine on my dev environment (Genymotion), but when tested on a physical clover device (Clover Station) it gives me an error of OrderV31Connector failing. I have set all permissions to allowed and still get this error. The only difference I found from my dev environment is that I am running version 2.0- 1856, and the physical device is on version v 2.0-1846 but when I try to update it says that there are no updates available. Is there a way of manually updating Clover Station? Could there be another reason why my app is not working on the Clover Station?

Thank you, Michael Martins.

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Mark Mullan Deactivated commented

You must update your version of Clover Services (engine). The default behavior is to use the order service v3.1 protocol (assuming you are using a current version of the SDK). That requires a newer version of engine.

As to why you are not getting updates, I don't know. I checked and the default version of engine in the sandbox env is 1856.

V3.1 has optimizations to better handle large orders. As Wingnut says, you can continue to use protocol version v3.0 if that's not an issue for you.

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martins avatar image martins commented ·

Thanks Jeff, the engine that I am using is the sandbox one and yes it is 1856, but the clover station is using a EU account and it only updated to 1846. Should I configure the Station differently?

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martins avatar image martins commented ·

Thanks Mark, it does work now.

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