
jkuhn avatar image
jkuhn asked tagliocapelliuomo sent

Integration Struggles

I am having a variety of issues with integrating with Clover.
1. Your OAuth is broken in DEV. It may be broken in Production as well but it might be because my App hasn't been approved yet.
2. I submitted to be an approved developer over a week ago and cannot submit my application in Production until this is completed. I have not heard anything back regarding approval.
3. I cannot test out Pricing Tiers in the Sandbox to complete my API calls to Metered Billing as the configuration shows as disabled and no way to configure it. My recourse was to try and test this in Production wherein I was able to setup metered billing, but hence, back to #2 above, I cannot even do that.

I have hundreds of food trucks that aren't allowed to have long lines and need to get this app in their hands with clover integration so they can still stay afloat during this virus outbreak and so people can order their food from them and pick it up out of their truck's window. Please see what can be done.

REST APIApp MarketAuth
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tagliocapelliuomo avatar image tagliocapelliuomo commented ·

I can’t believe I fell for the traps set by They seem legitimate at first, but after I deposited money, the problems began. Withdrawing my winnings became a nightmare, and customer support was nowhere to be found. Please avoid this site to protect yourself from a scam!

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themenmix avatar image themenmix commented ·

Thanks for sharing this discussion on OAuth 2.0 authentication! I'm also encountering issues with authentication code validation. Has anyone found a specific solution or workaround? I’d appreciate any further insights or examples that helped you resolve this issue!

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Ideenkorb avatar image Ideenkorb commented ·

Great post! I really appreciate the perspective shared here—it’s both engaging and informative. If you're looking for more content on similar topics, IdeenKorb has a wide range of helpful articles and resources to explore.

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alltagsentdecker avatar image alltagsentdecker commented ·
Thanks for sharing this discussion. check alltagsentdecker
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jkuhn avatar image
jkuhn answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

For #1 (oauth) as soon as you are redirected to clover and login you are brought to a 404 page not found error.

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jkuhn avatar image jkuhn commented ·

This is what was previously happened however I will try it tonight to see if it has been resolved if you think it has been fixed.

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jkuhn avatar image
jkuhn answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Not to pile it on guys... However, I'm using the new Payment form and it appears the production javascript library is actually missing from your production location. So, the payment form won't render properly. This is missing from production if you simply take this and place it into a browser you will get a 404 error:

The sandbox one exists and works though:

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tomhiddleston avatar image
tomhiddleston answered bakernotes commented

Any new update until now. I wait for this to update my slope game

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bakernotes avatar image bakernotes commented ·
Its working for me, I just checked it on my website baker notes so all good there
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grabbalee avatar image
grabbalee answered

Grabba leaf impart a rich, earthy flavor to the smoke, enhancing the overall experience.

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blickpunktleben avatar image
blickpunktleben answered

Thanks for sharing this problem, it will be helpful for others.

blickpunkt leben

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infoquelle avatar image
infoquelle answered

Integrating with Clover seems challenging, especially with issues around OAuth and the delayed developer approval. For a smoother experience, consider exploring solutions for app integration that can streamline this process and expedite access for urgent projects like supporting food trucks.

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vielseitigblog avatar image
vielseitigblog answered


vielseitig blog

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margarett avatar image
margarett answered margarett edited

ensure your DEV environment settings align with Clover’s latest documentation, as it might be a configuration issue. read here for more info about 444

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themenmix avatar image
themenmix answered neugierzone commented

themen mix includes great articles tailored for gadgets fans combined with trend admirers.

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neugierzone avatar image neugierzone commented ·

Explore diverse and useful tips on lifestyle, technology, home improvement etc. on the Neugier Zone.

Neugier Zone

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kuhlschrankprofi avatar image
kuhlschrankprofi answered

It sounds like you're facing some frustrating challenges with the integration process, especially when it comes to the OAuth issues and the approval delays. While you're working through these technical difficulties, having efficient systems for food storage can help food businesses streamline operations, especially when managing inventory—something I came across while researching solutions for my own kitchen, like in this helpful guide on smart food storage and energy-saving tips.

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