
rahadigital avatar image
rahadigital asked

Transaction fees using REST API for orders direct to Clover POS

Hello Clover Community.

I'm working on developing an online order solution using the REST API for a client using a clover POS.

I'm wondering about the following situation of having a clover device setup through an independent merchant service. I'm seeing a Register Lite/Register plan that has a 2.9% and 2.3% + $.10 transaction fee (3.5% for keyed in entries) when going through clover directly which sounds like they charge per transaction using the API. The merchant service charges a transaction fee + interchange fees.

My specific question... When using the REST API to submit orders which of the the following transaction fees happens:

1) The 2.9%/2.3% + $.10 transaction PLUS merchant service fees PLUS interchange fees

2) OR merchant service fees PLUS interchange fees only.

Also it seems like this happens from what I have read... can you confirm when using the REST API would the orders/line items show up directly on the clover POS?

Thanks for your time. Let me know if I'm thinking about this wrong or need further clarification.

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