
devendra avatar image
devendra asked knikhil answered

Information mapping on Sale response parameters

Hi All,
We are getting below response for Sale in case of POS system Xstore to clover mini integration but we have doubts on some response parameters which we need to store for future reference in our database. Could you please clear below doubts we have on this response?

1. Card number - does Clover provide full card number in response?
2. Bank reference number - is this same as "referenceId", and is there any use for this in future like in refund, post void process etc?
3. Token number - what is the use of this token? do we have to send this number in refund process or any other one of the ID which we are getting in below response?
4. What is the meaning of id, external id, reference id, external payment id, payment id, order id etc.?And which id will be used to retrieve a payment info in case of refund?
Payment{json='{"tender":{"instructions":null,"visible":true,"editable":false,"id":"6WHB6HGMQGS1W","label":"Credit Card","labelKey":"com.clover.tender.credit_card","opensCashDrawer":false,"enabled":true},"amount":1453,"lineItemPayments":null,"cardTransaction":{"vaultedCard":{"last4":"6668","cardholderName":"DISCOVER TEST CARD","first6":"601136","expirationDate":"1218","token":"7297162975886668"},"entryType":"SWIPED","last4":"6668","authCode":"OK0153","cardholderName":"DISCOVER TEST CARD","extra":{"authorizingNetworkName":"DISCOVER","cvmResult":"SIGNATURE"},"transactionNo":null,"cardType":"DISCOVER","state":"CLOSED","type":"AUTH","referenceId":"805700000284","token":"7297162975886668"},"cashTendered":null,"tipAmount":0,"transactionSettings":{"cardEntryMethods":34567,"signatureEntryLocation":null,"disableDuplicateCheck":null,"disableReceiptSelection":null,"autoAcceptSignature":null,"signatureThreshold":null,"autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations":null,"tippableAmount":1453},"cashbackAmount":null,"employee":{"id":"53E4RDTBSHHBG"},"result":"SUCCESS","offline":false,"taxRates":{"elements":[]},"createdTime":1519624513070,"externalPaymentId":"MR0ZYVPDTP53E","id":"WN3ES65K2S900","taxAmount":95,"order":{"id":"QKCDDF4E53662"}}', bundle=null, changeLog=null}
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1 Answer

knikhil avatar image
knikhil answered
how to get the above data?
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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