
vhernandez avatar image
vhernandez asked vhernandez commented

Is there any way to lost message between using CloverCFPActivity?

We have a POS using clover sdk and an android app as well, the POS sends messages to the android app is using CloverCFPActivity, we sometimes lose the messages back to the POS, the POS is sending a lots of messages to the Android app, I am thinking maybe when the app sends message back, The POS at the same time is sending message to the app, could be it a problem?, is there any idea why does it happen?

Clover Android SDK
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

You are using Remote Pay Android? How are you connecting to the device (USB, network)? Can you reproduce the problem on a dev device? Have you verified your custom activity is properly handling the messages (not crashing, etc.?)

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vhernandez avatar image vhernandez David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks for the message, yes, 'm using Remote Pay Android and the communications is by usb, we cannot reproduce it on dev, that is happening in production, I verified the custom activity does not crash.

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