
medclove avatar image
medclove asked paulryan commented

External ID in Cancelled Sales Response


I may be missing something but a trawl through the docs and answers here didn't help.
I'm working with a semi-integration at the moment with the JavaScript SDK with Cloud Pay Display.

I'm trying to log to an external database the status of each transaction and have given each transaction an external ID.

For successful transactions SalesReponse contains this external ID but cancelled transactions do not have access to the ID.

Is there a way for this to be included in the SalesReponse or any other way to query the status of a particular External ID? Or perhaps a different response I should be listening for?

Any help would be appreciated. Cheers!

semi-integrationsCloud Pay Display
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paulryan avatar image paulryan commented ·

Hi David

Would you have update on the below

I may be missing something but a trawl through the docs and answers here didn't help.
I'm working with a semi-integration at the moment with the JavaScript SDK with Cloud Pay Display.

I'm trying to log to an external database the status of each transaction and have given each transaction an external ID.

For successful transactions SalesReponse contains this external ID but cancelled transactions do not have access to the ID.

Is there a way for this to be included in the SalesReponse or any other way to query the status of a particular External ID? Or perhaps a different response I should be listening for?

Any help would be appreciated. Cheers

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ paulryan commented ·

Hi Paul, there is no update. Since you should only have one "pending" payment at a time you can infer what externalId the response you receive correlates with. Please see our example here - You will note we keep track of the pending sale request and use it to recover/reconcile the payment if necessary. Also, please read our best practices -

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paulryan avatar image paulryan David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hi David

Thank you for your prompt response, I will look into this



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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered medclove commented

I don't think you are missing something, I don't think we provide it in the response on failure. I agree that we should and I am going to write-up an issue. We do recommend that your POS track the active payment and not take further action (new payment, etc.) until each pending payment is resolved. Please take a look here -

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medclove avatar image medclove commented ·

Thanks for the quick reply David.

I'll take a look through that section of the Docs and track the active payment in another way.

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