
dhanaraj avatar image
dhanaraj asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

Can a production developer account be used without verifying it ?

I have a production developer Account. I have not initiated the request to verify the account yet, In that case, can I make use of that account in the production environment and consume using the Api's ?

Addition Info: My App is not designed to be published in such a way all the users can make use of it. There will be only one user who will be using this (kind of Admin).

Is it necessary that the app has to be verified ?

And Is there any chance of deactivating the app from clover, for keeping it unverified ?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered Jeffrey Blattman commented

Short answer - no.

It isn't clear to me what your app does but it sounds like you have a web app that will be used to make Clover REST API calls to access merchant data. If your web application is not published then a merchant will have no way to install your app and thus no way to grant your app the authority to access their data (

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dhanaraj avatar image dhanaraj commented ·

My production developer account Url look something like this. I have submitted the account for verification but it is not verified yet. In that case can I use this account in production and consume using clover Api's.

I went through a documentation stating the production account must be verified. What if the account is not verified and used in production? (since I can get the clover inventory data without the account is being verified, why is it necessary that the account has to be verified?)

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ dhanaraj commented ·
I think you might be looking at it backwards. Having a developer account doesn't grant you access to merchant data. Merchants grant your published app permission to access their data by installing it and authenticating.

Your production developer account needs to be verified before you can publish apps.

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