
servicefirst avatar image
servicefirst asked David Marginian commented

App still in Pending after 6 weeks

Our semi-integrated app was submitted back in October and it's still marked as Pending. We have an urgent need to get an update on this and to see if the review can be expedited.

App ID: 2SC88Z268WG82

My apologies for posting this in a technical forum. I've been trying to get a response for weeks now. There's no activity/progress on the developer site, no response to my emails, no phone numbers, no way that basic Clover support can help, etc. It's very frustrating when we're losing money every day and there's no way to communicate.

Thank you.

App Marketsemi-integrations
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

I will see if I can get an update for you, where have you been sending your email inquiries?

10 |2000

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servicefirst avatar image servicefirst commented ·

Thanks David,

I've recently emailed and Previously, I've used the form on the web site.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ servicefirst commented ·

I have contacted our developer relations team. They did receive an email from you yesterday and hopefully they will be in touch with you soon to provide you with an update.

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