
daniel-infuse avatar image
daniel-infuse asked Jacob Abrams answered

Writing tests for business logic that depends on Clover SDK

We have some business logic that are deeply connected with functionality of Clover SDK. We would like to write some testing for it and are wondering if you have some standard ways on how to mock / connect the Clover SDK services (connectors) in a testing environment.

THank you.
Clover Android SDK
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1 Answer

Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered

We do not have any pre-existing way to emulate or mock the clover android sdk. Your choices are probably either:

  • For host machine unit tests you may use a mocking framework like mockito, powermock etc to mock the specific methods in the SDK as needed, simply hardcode the responses you expect in a real environment
  • For connected android tests you can simply invoke the real android sdk so long as you run the tests on a clover sandbox device
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