
nickfranklin avatar image
nickfranklin asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

Create daily totals for cash and card payments

We have a customer using Clover at a remote site. Remote from the main accounts department. The accounts department would like to pull the daily totals for both cash and card payments from the clover account. I am assuming that because only transation data is stored i.,e. cash transactions and card transactions, that I would have to use the API to retrieve these payments and calculate the totals for the day.

Is it possible to pull separate totals for cash and card payments.
10 |2000

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered
It would be trivial to query for the payments and add the cash/credit total once you have the data -!/payments/GetPayments.
10 |2000

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