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SAMSA Web Team asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

Get amount paid from ACTION_CLOVER_PAY intent.

After launching the ACTION_CLOVER_PAY intent how can I get the amount that was paid once a RESULT_OK is returned?
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
You can't get that from the result. I consider this a bug and filed and internal issue to get it fixed, but I don't have an ETA for that.

I believe, given the order ID for which the payment was associated, you can get the order, and the payments for that order. This doesn't answer your question in a deterministic way however, since the order can have multiple payments. You'd need to do something awful like track the payments before the ACTION_CLOVER_PAY and then look for the new one after the result. Or, look at the timestamps of the payments.
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