
chiragpatel avatar image
chiragpatel asked chiragpatel commented

Any Unique Identification of Payments which were done from Virtual terminal for particular user ?

Here, we are working on Healthcare Product and we have done payment transaction from virtual terminal and we have to get this payment with Unique Key in our system through clover rest API.
For example,
In our system there are multiple patients but clover account should be same for these users,
and they have done payment from virtual terminal.
Now, we are fetching the payments from clover to our system at that time we have to identify the payment's unique key as like patient MRN.
Is it any custom field available in customer section in virtual terminal to identify the user/patient 's payment info.?
10 |2000

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Can you explain how your system is initiating payment on the Clover device?

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chiragpatel avatar image chiragpatel David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Our system will integrate Clover Payment Gateway through Web but there might be possibilities where our Client will collect Payment through Clover Web Application(Virtual Terminal) without using our system(via Clover API), so for such Payment when our System fetch the payment which is done via Virtual Terminal, system should to come to know that the payment is collected for XYZ user.

So just a thought like is there a way where we can add Custom Field(Mapping Field) in the Virtual Terminal so that when Client collect Payment at that moment they enter any Unique ID of the User(for whose payment is collected) and when system fetch the Payment from Clover through Rest API we get that Unique ID to come to know that the Payment is for XYZ user.

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